Here's a photo of my cancerous thyroid and lymph nodes after they were removed. Neat, huh?

My current stats:

Thyrogen-stimulated Tg 4.0, TgAB less than 20
(down from hypo-stimulated Tg 16.7 in Dec. 2009)
WBS negative

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Meeting Don

There’s this very old, stooped-over man who I’ve seen walking in the neighborhood over the seven years we’ve lived here. I saw him again today when I was out walking the dogs, and for the first time in all the years I’ve been noticing him, I called out to him from across the street and asked him his name. We wound up having a lovely conversation for 10 minutes or so, and he is the sweetest little old man ever. He’s 82 years old, married, wife had a minor stroke (but is still “ornery as ever…a strong German woman”). His name is Don, he lives at Holt and Vanderlip in the house with an American flag out front, and I enjoyed talking to him so much. He was a real sweetie pie. God is urging me to reach outside myself and talk to people more—to be friendlier and to talk to people about their lives. I think it’s His way of getting me outside my head, which has been a force that has dragged me down in the past—being in my head too much, in my own (sometimes very negative cycle of) thoughts… It sure makes your day different when you hear from someone who’s 82 years old that life is still good. What a great perspective.

I feel so much happier now than I ever have before. The kids, Pommy and I did the MS Walk this morning with Carolyn, Tracy, Laci and my mom. It was a beautiful day today.

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