Here's a photo of my cancerous thyroid and lymph nodes after they were removed. Neat, huh?

My current stats:

Thyrogen-stimulated Tg 4.0, TgAB less than 20
(down from hypo-stimulated Tg 16.7 in Dec. 2009)
WBS negative

Monday, November 1, 2010

Thyrogen: So Far, So Good

Got my first Thyrogen injection this morning, and so far, so good. No reactions or side effects as of now. Will write more when there's more to write. :--)


  1. Cool! I was so tired after I got mine!

  2. Hi, PMerr. I was exhausted Monday and Tuesday by about 4 pm, but I'm pretty sure that's no different than any other day for me. !!! Where are you in your thyroid cancer journey? Best of luck to you! We're in this together!

  3. Hypothyroidism treatment can consist of some things including prescribed meds, healthy diet, desiccated porcine thyroid supplements , and exercise.
