Here's a photo of my cancerous thyroid and lymph nodes after they were removed. Neat, huh?

My current stats:

Thyrogen-stimulated Tg 4.0, TgAB less than 20
(down from hypo-stimulated Tg 16.7 in Dec. 2009)
WBS negative

Sunday, January 24, 2010

E-Mail To Friends & Family

Hi, everybody.

I hope this message finds you all healthy and happy in 2010. Some of you know the latest about my thyroid cancer saga (yep, it's become a saga...sigh) and some of you don't, but I'm just going to sum it up here and send it to y'all...and bore you with the details...

My blood test in December revealed that I still have some persistent thyroid cells. After a total thyroidectomy and 2 radioactive iodine treatments, when blood work shows that tissue remains, it's most likely malignant. On the plus side, an ultrasound and a body scan performed in December could not locate anything suspicious-looking, and unless and until imaging studies can locate something, there's nothing we can do.

So I'm in a watch and wait mode. I won't lie to you: It's not the "all clear" I was hoping for, and I hate "watch and wait," but maybe this is God's way of trying to teach me patience and to trust him. I'll be followed with periodic blood tests and ultrasounds, and we'll see what happens.

In the meantime, I'm training for the LA Marathon with my little sis, Carolyn (who has MS), and running is keeping me relatively sane. :--)

Hope all's well with each and every one of you, and I'll keep you posted as my journey continues.


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